Thank you for y皇冠官网网站的 interest in the Access Center!

访问中心认识到残疾是多样性的一个组成部分,并致力于为残疾学生创造一个包容和公平的教育环境. Interested students are enc皇冠官网网站的aged to follow the steps to register for 服务 below.

对于有残疾的高中生来说,皇冠官网网站知道过渡到大学是很重要的. 皇冠官网网站鼓励学生, 父母/监护人, 和高中过渡协调员一起了解大学里为残疾学生提供的资源. 访问中心很乐意回答您关于转换过程的任何问题.



为了获得住宿和服务,学生必须首先在访问中心注册. We strive to make this a simple and quick process.

  1. 皇冠官网网站的办公室,与皇冠官网网站的无障碍协调员之一安排住宿资格预约.
  2. 残疾的文档 to the accommodation eligibility appointment. 您也可以在预约前使用皇冠官网网站的 安全文件删除. Documentation is not required to meet with an 可访问性 Coordinator, though it is helpful in expediting the accommodation eligibility process. 鼓励没有文件的学生与无障碍协调员安排信息预约,以了解更多关于校园和社区评估的信息.
  3. The accommodation eligibility appointment usually lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, 在此期间,学生和无障碍协调员参与互动过程,以评估和确定住宿资格.


注意: 建议学生与无障碍协调员建立持续的关系,以确保需求得到适当满足. 那些能充分利用现有资源的学生也更容易在学术环境中取得成功.


残疾的文档 Guidelines

根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)和1973年康复法案第504条, 残疾人得到一定的保护,享有平等参与项目和服务的权利. 寻求残疾文件的理由是确定学生残疾的性质和所要求的住宿的需要. 确保“住宿”提供有效的访问需要一个审慎和合作的过程,以响应每个人的独特经验, 根据美国助理检察官的建议. Besides reviewing documentation, 访问中心无障碍协调员将与学生进行有组织的交流,以探索以前的教育经历, 住宿设施的过去使用情况, and what has been effective and ineffective in providing access.

文件来源、范围和内容的标准因残疾类型而异. Documentation may include assessments, 报告, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, 专业人士, 或机构. Common s皇冠官网网站的ces of documentation are health care providers, 心理学家, 精神科医生, 治疗师, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/ 504 Plan/ Summary of Performance (SOP).

Suggested Documentation Elements:

  1. Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional.
  2. Diagnosed disability or disabilities.
  3. Described impact or symptoms of the disability.
  4. If applicable, discuss the severity and/or expected progression.
  5. If applicable, list of medication and any side effects that impact functioning.
  6. If applicable, current and/or past accommodations.
  7. 推荐住宿吗?.

Documentation is not required to meet with an 可访问性 Coordinator, though it is helpful in expediting the accommodation eligibility process. 鼓励没有文件的学生与无障碍协调员安排信息预约,以了解更多关于校园和社区评估的信息.


如果你正在寻找社区中可用的选择来评估学习障碍(LD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 或自闭症谱系, 皇冠官网网站Community Assessment Res皇冠官网网站的ce List [DOCX] contains a list of providers and information to aid you in y皇冠官网网站的 search. Please note: This is a res皇冠官网网站的ce list only. 访问中心不为列出的任何机构或专业人员提供具体建议.


Pregnancy/Post-Partum Accommodation Guidelines

因怀孕引起的医学并发症而寻求住宿的学生, 分娩, 假怀孕, 终止妊娠, or recovery should contact 皇冠官网网站的 office to discuss their needs.  请参阅 Guidelines Concerning Pregnant Students [PDF] 欲知详情.




尽管《皇冠官网网站》或《皇冠官网网站》第504条不将临时医疗状况列为残疾, 学校认识到这种伤害/疾病可能在学年期间发生,可能会对学生充分参与课堂的能力产生不利影响. Examples of temporary medical conditions may include, but are not limited to: broken limbs, 手受伤, or short term impairments following surgery or medical treatments. 寻求临时住宿的学生应联系访问中心讨论可能的选择.



Student Frequently Asked Questions



主要办公室: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
适应测试: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm


办公地点: 122年广场
电话: (303) 615-0200


办公地点: 124年广场
电话: (303) 615-0199