密歇根州立大学丹佛, in collaboration with a third party service, 梨甲板导师, offers access to 24/7 在线辅导 to all current 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students. You can access this 在线辅导 by logging into your Canvas account or by clicking on the following link: 在线辅导.

If you need assistance on how to access this 在线辅导 from your Canvas account, follow the tutorial below:

在线辅导 Access Tutorial

Currently, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students have access to 8 online tutoring hours weekly. To determine how many hours you have used at any given time, click on your profile icon next to your name and click “Usage”. This link will direct you to a page where you can see how many hours have been used, how many hours are remaining, and when your weekly allotment will replenish. Please note that it is important to plan and budget these hours, especially during heavy assessment periods. If you find yourself in need of additional tutoring hours greater than the allotted 8 hours per week, please email us at [email protected] and we can add bonus hours to your profile.